Cando® AccuForce™ is a high quality latex exercise band. Achieve repeatable and measurable
levels of performance with each repetition. The patented indicators show exactly when four
levels of elongation are reached. Each level of elongation corresponds to a specific amount of applied
The AccuForce™ Equation: A level of force is reached when the indicator shape has completely changed from a rectangle to a square. When a rectangle becomes a
square it indicates the amount of force used to stretch the band. For example: the first black rectangle becomes a square with 4.5 pounds of force, and the last black
rectangle becomes a square with 9.75 pounds of force.
The force chart for black AccuForce™ band is pictured above.
Each level has four indicators that show 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% elongation. Cando AccuForce™ allows for 20 measurable levels of progressive exercise
therapy (4 levels for each of 5 resistances).Cando® is licensed to use the Thera-Band® color sequence, so the resistance level is easily identified.